Meeting Date:
7.6 Consider Approval of the SVUSD Williams Second Quarterly Reports |
Strategic Plan:
File Attachment:
California Education Code section 1240 requires that the County Superintendent of Schools visit all deciles 1 - 3 schools and report findings in the areas of Instructional Materials, School Facilities, SARC, and Teacher Misassignments and Vacancies. The district has received the second quarter report for the 2024-2025 school year and details of the report are attached. |
The Superintendent recommends the Board of Trustees accept the 2024-2025 Second Quarter Williams Lawsuit Settlement Findings from SBCSS as presented. |
Recommended By: |
Signed By: |
Robin Schreiner - Senior Director, Business Services |
Signed By: |
Marc Lacey - Assistant Superintendent, Administrative Services |
Signed By: |
Jesse M. Najera - Superintendent |
Vote Results:
Original Motion | Member Mark Staggs Moved, Member Lynn McKee seconded to approve the Original motion 'The Superintendent recommends the Board of Trustees accept the 2024-2025 Second Quarter Williams Lawsuit Settlement Findings from SBCSS as presented.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. | The motion Carried 5 - 0 |